Am I doing the right thing?

My daughter and I are temporarily living in another state while my husband is on a work detail. I have found a gym I absolutely love here. But now I need to start using the gyms daycare for our 18 month old. She went there for the first time today and she cried and cried so hard she fell asleep while being held by the staff. Then she woke up and screamed/cried some more. The staff had to call me a few times because she was inconsolable. I couldn’t even finish my hour long class. I feel like an awful mom. I feel selfish. But I need the gym - it’s good for my physically and emotionally. But when I see how awful my daughter reacted to the gyms daycare today, I question my decision. Working out at home is not the same - it feels like work and I lack the motivation to do it. I want to make this gym daycare situation work but I feel hopeless. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Will she learn that I’ll always come back? Am I doing irreparable damage to her?