OPK help? Positive or negative?

Clearblue advanced was negative yesterday. This morning it was high. Today was the first day I was supposed to start testing according to instructions. I am cycle day 11. I ovulated last time on cycle day 16. I’ve been stressed this past week and a half, could that affect it? I took a strip to back it up and it’s not light it’s dark. I don’t think it’s positive but Glow says it is. I don’t know to trust her. Am I near ovulation? Is it positive? When should I retest? Like how close do you think it is. I’m not supposed to ovulate until the 21st according to two apps (that are usually spot on) and one the 19th that’s usually close but not accurate. Thanks! This was after five minutes exactly. But I kind of feel like the control isn’t fully there or is that just me? Wondering why so early?