So lost.

B • J’s wife ❤️ | Boy Mama x2 💙 | Finally due with #3 in January 2025🧡 | Preeclampsia Survivor x2 💜 | Autism Mama x1 ♾️ |

My period is between 5-7 days late (my cycle is usually 29-31 days). All HPT’s are negative, blood test came back negative (was added for routine bloodwork just in case) and I’m feeling no signs of AF showing (I usually cramp the night before or about 12 hours before AF shows). I’ve been so tired, my breasts feel ... uncomfortable, and one also keeps getting sharp pains and I get random pains in my lower abdomen. I’m also getting (TMI) more CM than normal before AF - but I know not to really relate that to any pregnancy signs.

I feel like I should just be prepared for AF, but a part of me wonders if it’s just too soon and I perhaps implanted later?