Not my usual kind of posts

Delete if it’s not ‘tmi’ but to me it’s SO shaming. I’ve been holding off staying at my boyfriends house for about 6 months..I’ll go to his and stay really late and he will drive me home. Although I feel bad, he offers to take me home whenever but no one likes going out their bed at 3am for a shitty reason. So the reason I don’t because I snore so badly. I don’t want to tell him..because it’s so embarrassing I wanna cry. It’s not even a tiny snore it’s full blown nasal and throat snore. I’ve tried sleeping with my mouth open/closed to see if it changed anything, it doesn’t. Even positions..I just can’t not snore. I’m supposed to be staying tonight although I voice recorded me sleeping last night to listen to my snoring and OH MY GOD. At one point I genuinely thought there was aliens in my room cause I was making a buzzing noise. Can anyone help? Short term or long term help? Anything will be appreciated