Home sperm test... HELP!!

Arielle • 29 years old - 👰🏻 in 2014 - 🐾 in 2015 and 2021 🐶 🌺🌸TTC March 2018- May 2019 before male infertility, and my medications made🤰🏻a no go.🌸🌺

Has anyone done these test before and gin on to have professional testing done? How accurate were the home test results?

I just performed this test on my hubby’s “stuff” ( I followed directions extremely carefully and used timers to ensure my timing was perfect) and got a negative result. Not really sure what the next steps are.

I know this test only tests Sperm count and doesn’t take into account motility or quality, but we have been trying for 8 months now with no success so a negative result is really discouraging. We live in Canada so fertility testing is covered by the government, but they only accept patients who have been trying for a year or more.

If anyone has been in this position and/or just has any helpful advice of where to go from here I would really appreciate it!