Something seems off

Brooke • 11 and 3 yr old boys💙 ectopic 11-24-17 and miscarriage 3-26-18 of my twin angels ❤️ my 🌈 girl finally came 4/29/19! My heart is complete

I am 17 weeks 2 days today and I just can’t shake this feeling that something is wrong. I don’t have any explanation really, other than occasional “cramps and pains” that are uncomfortable but nothing over the top. I just can’t shake it and it’s causing me anxiety. Should I just leave it go and hope it goes away or call my ob tomorrow morning? I just feel like they’re gonna brush me off bc I don’t have a “real” problem just my instincts and after having two miscarriages in the past year I can’t tell if I’m over thinking things or what?? Help please 😕