Pregnancy question for PCOS sufferers

Sarah • Married ❤ 🌈Baby Boy born March 🌈 Baby girl born July Mommy to many angels 👼

Did you notice your Pcos symptoms worst with a boy because of the added testosterone?

When I was pregnant with my Son all of my symptoms were much worst. I had more acne, extra hair growth and weight gain. This pregnancy i actually have a glow and my hair growth has really slowed down. Some symptoms are the same and i do know every pregnancy is diffrent so its hard to deal with it. I honestly do have a gut feeling this time im pregnant wirh a girl BUT i have to wait another 9 or so weeks to find out for sure.

Basically im just curious if my body had a hard time with my Son because of the testosterone. Also im curious if being pregnant with a girl might make pcos better.