Could barely breathe

Kira • Wife 👰 Engineer 👷‍♀️ Mommy 🤱 9/8/16 💖 5/21/19 💙

16 weeks...Today I went to the ER because I was having shortness of breath to the point I was flush, lips were blueish/purple and tingling hands. My symptoms subsided shortly after being admitted and I felt much better once I could take a normal breath. My vitals were fine and babys heartbeat was normal. The ER doctor told me indigestion and reflux could make it hard to breathe. I was told to come back if it happens again. It was really scary, I was worried my baby wasnt getting oxygen either. Im following up with my OB tomorrow. Just wondering if anything similar happened to anyone and if it reoccured at all throughout pregnancy. TIA.