Breastfeeding ...

I honestly need to vent and any advice would be much appreciated .

my bubba is turning a month his Wednesday and I’m sooo frustrated. i can’t get the simplest task done. I still can’t get him to latch. I’ve tried so many positions to get a better latch but i always end up in pain, both my nipples ends up squashed like the tip of a brand new lipstick... every time i Get him on the boob he curls in his bottom lip. (Even when he was born he curled his lip in which left my poor nipples cracked and bleeding) and I’ve tried to flare it out and he puts it back in. it’s sucks even more we’re both getting treated for thrush. Honestly I’m at the boarder line of giving up. He has gain weight since he was born only because I’ve been pumping,. The thought of me being stuck to the pump every 2-3 hours are killing me. I want to have the breastfeeding experience with my lo that i didn’t have with my first.