5 weeks old and only 2 ounces

I’ve been breastfeeding my daughter since she was born and she is now 5 weeks old. She got one bottle at 4 weeks of expressed breast milk and only drank 2 ounces, I pumped for that feeding and got 2.5-3 ounces. Today she had another bottle of express breast milk, she ate the same and I pumped for that feeding and it was the same. She eats about every two hours, give or take 30 minutes, sometimes she cluster feeds and other times she will have a 4 hour chunk of sleep where she doesn’t wake up to eat.

She seems content after feedings, has plenty of wet and dirty diapers and at her 2 week appointment she had passed her birth weight. She has her next appointment tomorrow so idk how much she’s gained in the last few weeks but I’m kind of nervous now because everything I’m reading says she should be taking more...

Anyone have any insight? Thank you!