Guilt over what I want/should do?


I feel so guilty for wanting another csection over a vaginal birth. Idk why. My doctors say I’m a good candidate for a vbac birth if I want one and that if the vbac is successful that it’s better for both myself and the baby which I agree. I’ve done a lot of research in vbac vs. repeat c-section but still can’t shake the feeling that I should do a repeat c-section even though as of now I have no medical reason to do an elective c-section. I think I’m afraid of attempting a vbac and something going wrong and risking my life or the babies or both. I guess I’m more thinking why not get ahead of it and beat out an emergency situation and just do another c-section. I feel more at peace about a csection but scared I could cause future damage to my body or child.

Idk what to do. For moms who chose vbac after c-section what things helped you realize it would be okay to attempt your vbac? What helped you through your labor and fears? Was labor pains different after having a csection while attempting your vbac?

Looking for encouragement and stories. Good or bad let me know what you think. My heart is so torn and I’m so confused on what I should do.
