HELP! Pregnancy and stress

Hi Ladies,

I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant after multiple miscarriages. The pregnancy is looking great and I couldn't be more thankful. I have been with my husband for 9 years since my son was one year old.

We have definitely had our ups and downs. I love my husband and he works very hard for our family. Problem is that he travels for work a lot.

Two years ago, my husband cheated on me with a prostitute while he was out of town. I love him so much so I decided to stay and work things out. Of course, I made him go get tested before I would even look at him.

He broke down and told me about the cheating one night. I guess he had a guilty conscience. I did appreciate the honesty though. My world was completely crushed.

Drinking played a big factor in all of this. He swore he would never drink while on the road and came back home. It took a long time for things to go back to normal, but they did.

We decided to try to have a baby. Now, after 6 miscarriages, this one is looking healthy. Thank God! I can't seem to control my stress though.

My father was recently diagnosed with ALS and that has been extremely challenging. Now, my husband is drinking while traveling again. He has been lying about it and I don't trust him.

I feel like I don't have the energy to put in my marriage anymore bc I need to focus on my sick father. My father and I are very close and this is very hard to watch him go through.

I'm considering separating from my husband for awhile. Maybe to clear my mind. I don't know. Maybe it will stop some of the overwhelming stress. It would not be financially smart, but I'm scared this amount of stress will hurt my pregnancy.

Any insight, advice, opinions, or support would be greatly appreciated ❤️❤️❤️