TTC, First Chemical Pregnancy

Hello everyone,

(new member)

I think I just need to share my experience as I haven’t had anyone to really talk to about this yet.

My husband and I have been TTC and on our 2nd month of trying I started feeling pregnancy symptoms. I took a couple early tests and got faint pink lines. Then I took several first response tests and they all said pregnant. We were both so excited I booked a flight to Florida to tell my parents the good news in person. My parents were super excited and began sharing the news. A day after I got to Florida I started bleeding heavy and had cramping like a period. I’m pretty sure I had a chemical pregnancy (which I had never heard of).

I fly back home in two days and don’t want to tell my husband this news over the phone. He is so excited and keeps telling me that he can’t wait to hug my bump. I have so many things going though my head, I guess this is my attempt at coping. I want to stay strong and positive for my husband. But I feel like I need someone to be vulnerable with and not just suppress the pain so that I can be strong when I see my husband.