Relactate to pump


Wondering if it's possible and how to relactate after almost 4 months. Baby had a bad latch and o nursed until 7 weeks but had low supply from her not nursing effectively and she didn't gain weight well. We cut the tongue tie and it grew back.. now I'm feeling like I should have continued with pumping and get very emotional about it. I tried reintroducing her to Breastfeeding and she's not interested at all. So I thought maybe pumping might help Me, ya it's more for me than her. She's growing great on formula but I'm just having a tough go mentally about it all. I read some women feel better if they pump when they can't nurse. At the time I felt frustrated and defeated and just wanted my milk gone but now I want it back in the worst way. How can I do this?? ***Updated** pumped 20mins and had this thick yellow "milk" come out and coated my nipples and the flanges. Is there hope for me???