Crying in Target

Gabriella • Mama to River 👼🏼 and Jaxon due 8/19 🤰🏻🖤

Oh my goodness y’all. It has been a day. After being on my feet at work for 8 hours I went to target because I realized squeezing into my jeans ain’t it, with this bloat I need to get maternity pants. So first I was crying trying them on because I’m use to having a flat stomach and pregnancy is such a sudden change on your body. THEN get this. I go to check out and the kind lady tells me there’s an issue with my card. So THEN I realize oh my god I just ordered a bunch of Christmas presents on random websites my bank probably thinks it’s fraud. Bingo. I sat on the phone with Javier from USAA for TWENTY minutes in target crying for no reason!!! While he reactivated my card. I swear people thought I was crazy as they were walking past me with wide eyes. It’s now 10 and I’m about to pass out and work another 8 hours tomorrow. First trimester life