So much pelvic pressure 😭 27weeks pregnant

I am dealing with some weird and crazy pain this pregnancy. One of the most painful things is the pelvic/vaginal pressure😭. Today I was cleaning and afterwards the top of my stomach literally hurt so bad that I couldn’t do anything but moan through the pain. Then that stopped and the Braxton Hicks started. Every time I had one, I’d feel pressure in my vagina. Now the Braxton hick are gone but the pressure is still here and I’m almost in tears from how uncomfortable I am. I just want to crawl out of my skin. I don’t know what to do and the pressure is giving me a panic attack 😭. I’ve already been to the hospital once his week for painful cramping but they said I wasn’t dilated and not in labor and I thought i would be fine after that but now I’m here in pain again. It’s way too early for any of this. I’m only 27 weeks😭. I’m high risk for preterm labor but at this point I’m not sure when to worry and when I just need rest. Does anyone have any tips on how to help relieve this pressure? I’m miserable😞