So difficult....

Sabrina • Mama to a chunky monkey 🐵 rainbow 🌈 boy 💙 09/13/19 who has 3 angel siblings watching over him 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

Me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for 5 years and in that time we have had two miscarriages and one chemical pregnancy. This year in May a miracle happened and I found myself pregnant after 3 years of nothing. We were so excited. 16 weeks came, which was the time we lost our first baby girl, and I was worried and had every right as my water broke. I was placed on bed rest and was told my chances weren’t good of the baby making it. I was almost to 22 weeks when my doctor said I was doing good and that if I made it to 24 weeks I would be admitted to the hospital until they delivered at 34 weeks. Well once I turned 22 weeks exactly my baby girl was coming, I cried my heart was broken because we were so close to that marker of 24 weeks. On October 3rd, exactly one month before my birthday, my baby girl was born and lived for 33 minutes. I got to feel her little heart beating and my husband held her as she took her last breath. If we could’ve held on she would have been delivered tomorrow on the 26th. It’s just so difficult to put on a happy face when your heart is in pieces. Not to mention our second baby was supposed to be due on Christmas Day. Christmas has always been my favorite time of year and now it’s just bitter sweet. Sorry for this long post it’s just so hard and never seems to get easier ever. Merry Christmas my sweet angels

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and baby dust to us all this coming New Year!!