Feeling so empty and sad.. 😢


5w5d yesterday. I say on the toilet and my worst nightmare came true... blood on the toilet paper. It was very little but consistent. It stopped for a bit and started again. We went to the doctor and I was told my hcg counts are dropping. My heart dropped. I looked over and saw my husbands face and he looked so sad and broken.

Woke up today morning, more blood. Tissue like pieces , no big clots yet. Still wanna stay hopeful but it’s so hard to be when every time I wipe, there seems to be blood.

I keep thinking back to when I first told my husband we were pregnant. The way his eyes lit up....

I feel so empty. I feel betrayed by my own body.

I need to find strength within me to deal with this, to stop crying every 5 minutes. I wanna be strong for my husband.