Dreading InLaws with No 2


My SOs parents live close by and were soooooooo overbearing when I had my son (2.5 now). After MUCH tension and conflict they have seemed to accept that I don’t want them actually raising my child. We still see them every other week and they both drive me insane, but at least they seem to have stopped pressuring my SO. They clearly hate me though, especially his dad, who believes I have ruined being a grandparent for him. (He had his own idea about what his role would be and certainly never consulted me for my thoughts or feelings!!)

But now I’m due with number two in a few weeks and I’m dreading it starting all over again. With my son we were literally hosting my SOs whole family for dinner the first week home because I felt pressured to be a good DIL. When he was 12 weeks old they hosted a party at their home for THEMSELVES and THEIR friends to all meet the baby. 😒🙄

This time I feel like they can come by the hospital or something to meet her, and then give us a few weeks to adjust at home. I do NOT want to have to deal with them right away. I want peace and separateness. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

Is this unreasonable?