Cornoul ectopic pregnancy earlier


I am 27 female married ..I have been married 10 months ... I am at high risk because my last pregnancy was cornoul ectopic ... I had to go for laprotomy operation ...I lost my left tube and part of my uterus .... I conceived again naturally after 6 months ....but my first ultrasound scan was not satisfactory ... Doctor told me my date according to LMP must be 6 week 2 days ... But the gestational sac was very small for this gestational age was only 7.5mm in diameter and no yolk prescribed me 2 tablets of progistrone of 300mg , aspirin , and getting progistrone injection every week ... My doctor said growth is slow ...ur baby has only 50% chance of servival ....I am feeling depressed ...I was so happy that I got pregnant again is my dream to have my own baby ....I don't know how long should I have to wait for this ...I wish this baby servive ...