New Years Eve party problems


My friend/roommate always has a New Years party thing and I always attend even though I don’t like to drink or be at parties cuz I love her and it makes her happy. I know some of the people that attend (and they’re super cool) but for the most part it’s her crowd. The past two years I’ve dipped a little after the ball drop cuz the thing was over so why stay. This year I really want to be with my boyfriend (of 2.5 years) at the stoke of midnight (he got a little upset when I told him I wasn’t gunna be to him till like 1am originally) but I don’t wanna upset my friend. I’d rather show up around 9:30 and leave around 11:30. She been having a pretty rough couple months cuz of some family drama and I don’t want her to think I love her any less for wanting to be with my BF. I know I way overthink things and it’s mainly my anxiety talking (with depression whispers) but I just want everyone to be happy 🎉