How does one look for a job with anxiety (specifically social anxiety) I've never had a job before,I'm 18 and a very anxious person around people I'm not close too (especially people in large groups) it's only been getting very bad this year. The fact that I need to go to interviews and talk to new people who work there and serve customers overwhelms me and i haven't even started looking yet 😭. Also, some jobs do group interviews - which makes my heart race thinking about it. It's so dumb ( i know) but I think what I'm more afraid of is that they'll notice that I'm anxious because I start to shake and act different and that just makes me more anxious and it's a cycle. I'm also deathly afraid of embarrassment ( i dwell a lot on the awkward things I do and say, which realistically.. people forget about so there's no point in fearing that stuff) wow ok this turned into a therapy session.. i just need advice 😂👍🏻 thank you in advance!!