Yeh rant


I like how you keep telling me no one will want me if I left you, well you know who quill always want me...MY CHILD that's who! Boy I don't Need you in my life I can live all on our own your all dependent on me like I'm raising another kid, once who is 26 years old and can't no sorry won't do shit for himself or his kids. I'm the one who does everything in this relationship, and you see why I'm the way I am, I hate cooking for you everyday,I gate cleaning up after you,I hate that you prefer to fucking do your own thing while I'm taking care of YOUR kids,I HATE THAT YOH ONLY THINK ABOUT YOURSELF, and never think about ever doing anything "nice" for me, like damn take some stress away from me dude. I'm the one who's been working for the 4 years we've been together MY money went to you and food, and barely anything for myself. Damn dude sometimes I wish I was your first baby momma fucking spoiled the shit out of get, buying her everything she wants never has to work in her life, like that bitch be lucky as fuck were the fuck did that go!?

See we don't need you and I will always have somebody who will want me, MY DAUGHTER!