Need some words of encouragement


Just looking for some good stories to think about! I’m turning 32 next month, and DH just turned 32 this month. We’ve been TTC #1 since April, and got pregnant in August but found out that we had a missed miscarriage at our 9 week ultrasound at the beginning of October. Pretty sure it was due to a chromosomal abnormality because my hormone levels were right where they should have been at 9 weeks but the embryo just hadn’t grown past 6.5. Tried again immediately and got another BFP in November but it was a chemical. My doctor ran a blood panel to see if there was a reason for recurrent miscarriage but everything came back completely normal, then BFN after trying again this month. Fingers crossed super fucking tight for January, and would love to hear from women who got pregnant after a similar story!

A little more to note: I have the Ava bracelet and the first and second BFP’s were the first and second cycles we used it. I also paper chart, and pay close attention to CM. My cycles are 27-30 days long and my luteal phase is usually 12-13 days long. DH and I are both healthy weights, we exercise and eat well, and I’m a really good sleeper!