
I’m confused about a lot of things...I have a boyfriend and I love him very much, we’ve been together for about two months and I’ve liked him for about a year and a half. (we’ve known each other for about 4 years and been BestFriends for 2.) I was thinking when I was talking to my friend, she told me she was confused about her sexuality and I told her I was too. I have only told 5 people and I know my parents would never except me. They would stop talking to me and most of my friends would too. I think I’m pansexual but I don’t know. I don’t know if I would ever date a girl or trans or whoever but I am open to the idea. I don’t see anything wrong with it, you love who you love. The thing is I’m a Christian and I don’t know if god will still love me. I told my BestFriend/boyfriend and he told me he will always love me no matter what. I’m just scared if I come out my friends will all drop me, my family with never talk to me and I’m scared God will hate me...I just want to know if there’s anything wrong with me. (My parents and I usually argue about this and my father and I don’t have a good relationship and I know this will make it worse) please please please help me I just want to be happy but I don’t know if I can..and sorry if I’m in the wrong topic/group idk which it would fit in. Thanks💜