Update on hCG levels...


I was worrying because I found out my hCG levels didn’t double...

My hCG levels only went up 44% in 4 days (5weeks and 5days) had another test 48 hours in between and they went up 75%. The doctor did not like this trend and I got another blood test on Thursday (6 weeks and 3days) and an ultrasound, the ultrasound looked good based on my LMP (saw my little grain of rice, but no heartbeat). I received my blood test results Friday morning and it ended in heartbreak. They dropped significantly along with my progesterone. The doctor told me I should be prepared to miscarry soon. The process has begun today. This has been extremely difficult but I feel that I find very minimal information on miscarriages. It seems like it is something people don’t like to talk about because of the heartache which I completely understand. But on the other hand for all those women who are searching for answers for hours on google and having anxiety, we feel lost. I have been trying since March and I am 26 years old with no known medical issues. So naturally I asked why me? I did ask my doctor to preform a chromosome test on me just so I have insight on why I could have possibly had a miscarriage, if they come back abnormal then I know I cannot conceive naturally.

What does a miscarriage feel like? I asked myself this question all day yesterday, waiting for the process to start. I also was searching for a miracle on google that maybe hCG levels fluctuate in early Pregnancy, but that is not the case.

My experience so far is extreme lower back pain and of course heartache, all I could do is cry. I have also been having period like cramps that radiate to my lower back. It starts off slow, I expect it to possibly intensify over the couple days. Naturally, I am afraid of what I am going to see but I also feel like I’m getting closure. This is extremely difficult and of course this is my personal experience but I thought I’d share for those women going through something similar and looking for similar experiences.

I hope to have my rainbow baby one day. Good luck to everyone and I hope you go on to have beautiful babies 💕🌈