Baby blues are hard


Crying as i type this. I had my son 7 days ago, at 37 weeks via crash c section. It was not planned, it was scary, it has been painful.

Basically i feel unprepared. I miss being pregnant. I miss being able to do everything and have my baby in my belly. I loved being pregnant. I did the first time and I did this time. I get the whole labor and delivery was rushed.

I understand that it needed to happen for the safety of me and baby but it doesn’t make me fell any less sad.

I feel like time is just going by so fast and I’ll have to be at work soon.

I’m hoping this goes away soon. I am usually an emotional person but I cry tears of joy. This is not, I cry because I’m sad.

My husband is great, he is the best help ever. I’m not upset about the help. I just feel like I want to redo this, I want to still be pregnant.