Baby Love Too Much?

I know that plenty of moms have trouble bonding with their children in the first few months. I seem to have the opposite situation and I wonder if it’s healthy.

The baby is 2 months old, healthy and growing, mostly breast fed. I just love him so much.

I totally panic and cry when I have to give him to my parents in law for babysitting so that I can go to the gym or have couple time with DH. I hate leaving him. I don’t want to spend time with anyone else.

My professional goals have changed. I want to do better so that I don’t embarrass him when he’s older. I want to be prettier, get braces and look polished, so that again when he’s older he will be proud that I’m his mom.

I feel like I’m frustrated that my husband doesn’t bond as well with him as I do. Ironically, I resent my husband for not doing as much with the baby while at the same time having the freedom to just go to work and drive around without a car seat and baby bag and breastfeeding concerns.

What the heck is up with me?? Why can’t I just relax?