Perinatal Depression ANYONE? Apologies-Long post.

Madelie I’m 37wks with baby #2. My toddler is 2.5yrs old. I think I am depressed, over tired and stressed out.

My husband works 6days a week and very long hours (9-8), i am still working full time and will till the day before my c section. My toddler goes to nursery during the day till i pick him up.

Then its home, cooking, cleaning, laundry...with no help, just me. We live abroad, no family to help out.

When i found out i was pregnant, we decided that the timing was bad and had decided to abort the baby. Various reasons played a role in our decision. But due to the country that we live in, it’s illegal.

We made peace with being pregnant and will now welcome our second boy on January the 16th.

But....i am so depressed. I constantly cry, which i never do. My husband doesn’t know what to do when i cry, because i never used to cry. I look at my toddler, i cry. The stove doesn’t want to work, i cry. My husband talks to ‘loud’ at me, i cry. I am tired, i cry...everything is making me cry. I am over tired, I don’t even have the energy to get out of bed and brush my teeth.

I feel guilty for not wanting this baby, every time i see the Dr i am afraid that she will tell me something is wrong with him, because I didn’t want him.

My toddler is moody and definitely not himself the last 10days.

I don’t know what to do to get out of this ‘rut’ that i am stuck in...i don’t want to feel like this when the baby arrives in 2wks.

Any advice would be appreciated 😊