To my husbant

Dear husbunt,

In the process of becoming a mom, I realized that I changed a lot. First I thought it will be a matter of time till I be myself again.. I became a much more carrying person, but in the same time everything hit me in my heart : decisions, acts, words...Thant storm of thinks I start carrying for, turned me in a very sensitive person, which turned me in a angry person too. Im fighting and struggle with a lot of’s overwhelming!

I realize I lost intimacy with you...we kiss and hug...but I fell like my intention of regaining our couple life presses you and pushes you away...

You changed became a dad...and not just a’re really amazing around Ralf...but I feel left out...I feel I need to share your love with him...and I’m loosing...

I feel that this is not fair, and you should have enough love for both of us...and sometimes....I feel I’m getting crazy...that it’s all in my mind....

I’m drowning in feelings of sadness, tiredness and helplessness

Please help me...