Pregnancy things

Cheyenne • 19 and expecting 😍

Ever since I got pregnant I’ve had white goo coming out of the sides of my nipples. I used to have them pierced but the piercing didn’t agree after a year so I took them out about 7 months ago. Everything was fine after I took them out but since I got pregnant my nipples get very sore and swollen until I squeeze the holes and white stuff comes out. I’m not sure if it’s infection or something else. If infection, why would it wait to raise its ugly head until i was pregnant? I’m afraid I won’t be able to breastfeed, and I really want that. I don’t see my OBGYN until my next appt and i still need to schedule that(doing tomorrow), do you think she’ll try to see me quicker when I tell her? I’ve been having a good amount of health problems, pretty constant really. I just got over a severe sinus infection/strep throat.