Anyone awake??

Melissa • Mommy of two beautiful little girls! #girlmom

Hey ladies, looking for advice..

I am 37 weeks.

The stomach flu hit my house today. My husband and I have been on the major struggle bus. For me, it started as frequent diarrhea then around 8pm I threw up. I have been sipping on a mixture of water and pedialyte. I was able to take a little nap but woke up and threw up a bunch of pedialyte. Just checked and my temp is 99.9. I have been what I believe to be braxton Hicks throughout the day. I’m afraid of dehydration and preterm labor. Anyone else go through this and their doctor not advise them to go into L&D for fluids and to monitor contractions?

I left a message for the on call Dr at my Ob’s office an hour ago and haven’t heard back. I will try calling again in the next ten minutes.

*called and left another message for the on-call nurse*

*spoke to hospital Triage nurse and she basically said to wait another hour to see if doc calls me back. If not call the ER again.*

X posted to January’s pregnancy page