Dumbass nurses


I chose a doctor that was an hour away from my home because he was the best. I woke up at 7am with light cramping and throughout the day, it got worse. At noon, I went to the hospital. I wasn’t even contracting according to the monitors. The nurse checked me and I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. (Yet the week prior I was 2.5cm and 50% effaced according to my OB.) She says I’m not in labor and to go eat lunch. So my OB appointment is the same day, I walk all the way down to his office in the hospital. Pain is much worse and I can hardly walk. He checks me and I’m 4cm. So by the time I walk all the way back to L&D, the nurses are blaming my OB as they check my cervix again to find I’m 5cm. Saying he stretched out my cervix. Well good thing I didn’t go eat lunch because I got my epidural and had my baby by 6:30pm.