Amina • Mother of #2 28❤️

Dear Husband,

I love you. Thank you for helping me through out my infertility.those late nights i would cry because the pain of thinking that i would Never be able to give you a child, thinking that i wasnt woman enough because i couldnt bare children. You would hold me and tell me everything was okay. I remember after my surgery. When doctors told me they clipped my fallopian tubes. Only 23. Finding out <a href="">IVF</a> was my only way to bare children.and seeing me almost burst out into tears infront of my doctor. You kept me strong!!! Thank you for coming to every one of my appointments waking up at 5,6 in the morning. We started <a href="">IVF</a> and you were here through everything. My whole journey. Waking up every morning to give me my shots. You kept faith when i had none. Now after everything & all of the appointments, we are having a baby girl.and i am the happiest woman in the world. I am so lucky to have someone like you because you are the most amazing man. And our baby girl is so lucky to have a daddy like you. I am happy to come into another new year with you and especially starting a new year with our baby girl ❤😭