Should I call my doctor or wait it out?

Update*** I called the doctor and she said I could stay home for now unless I get some painful contractions! Thank you for the advice ladies!

I’m almost 29weeks pregnant. I’m feeling a good amount of pressure today in my vagina and in my pelvis. Baby’s movements have slowed but I still feel her moving sometimes. I’ve had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions today too. The contractions don’t hurt too bad it just feels like pressure. I thought I was leaking fluid earlier but when I checked I saw some white discharge mixed with watery discharge. I also noticed the middle of my underwear was wet and the outer edges of my underwear were wet so I’m not sure if it was sweat but it made my pants damp too. I’m only feeling occasional discharge leaking now... should I just wait and see what happens or should I call?

*Edited to add* my lower back is very sore too. I did go to the doctor the other day and was checked because of pressure then and was told my outer cervix was 3cm dilated and my inner cervix was closed. Not sure if I should be worried because the pressure is pretty intense again after letting up for a few days.