My parents are literally trying to ruin my life.

My dad has always been abusive all my life (I'm 29 now) He has threatened my ex husband saying he was going to kill him. My husband and I lived on my parents property and had a cabin bulit on the back which my parents said it was mine. A while back he threatened my new husband and then when my husband left my dad came in my house without permission and grabbed me. We got out of there and took everything we bought. Well 2 weeks a someone called CPS saying that my youngest said my husband her step father tucked her no no. Which it so not true. They said they talked to her and she said he has never touched her. They made us sign a safety plan. I told the cps worker that I didn't want my kids around my parents. One is because I always thought it was normal to run around naked! That I remember one day my dad told me to get naked and sit in his lap and he touched me. I told my mother she said I need to keep my mouth shut. Well come to find out my ex is letting my kids stay with them. My dad let's them run around naked and sleep in the bed with him and my mom the girls in their underwear and he is in his. I told this to the cos worker and she straight up said no so I don't believe you. The cops have been to my new house 3 times this week cause my dad said my husband stole stuff the cops looked and there was nothing of there's at our house. We told them we haven't been out there in 1 month. I honestly don't know what to do.