Abusive boyfriend / fiance . I need a plan !


Hey girls so I been with the person I love for a while now . He loves power and control and wants to go somewhere in life as him dream is that we are a power couple which to me is unrealistic but I just don't say anything .

At the moment he is on pto time off his job and so do I and we both go back to work next week , I am pregnant of 6 weeks and I have more money on my bank account than him . Technically without me he is in the dumpster , he has 200 dollars right now and I have about more than three thousand . We are moving into a new apartment and is all with my money but he been super abusive . Simple fact is he got Depression and HDTD which is a defici of attention disorder and he gets pissed off when people try and tell him what to do . During my pregnancy he has been the worst , first he tried to tell me to abort my baby , the we got in a fight and he punched me above my head and kicked me in my ear and I tough he would change but no way he did not . After that fight the asshat he is tried to convince me to transfer all my money into our main bank account which I am unwilling to do because if he were to leave me he wouldn't give me a single penny . And this morning I finally had enough I woke up at 7:55 and asked him to take care of our daughter during that he called me a lazy ass bitch for getting a ride with a friend and going to the bank . I said cynically " Thanks for treating me shittily " and of course he said " We're welcome " Then I came to the bathroom to make my daily necessities and he decided to come out he technically came out and told me I was just mad because he told me the truth and what he is talking about is the fact he called me a " lazy ass bitch " so I went to the hallway and he started to scream at me eye to eye like a sargent and any normal human being would have starred into his eyes. Oh well this is what I did and he told me screaming to not glare at him and knocked me on my forehead with his head . So I am donneee !!!! 💯 Now I just need a plan , I am in college right now and have one kid ! Should I go live with someone from my family ?? Or should I go live with them for a while till I get money enough and move out and get my own life ??