Slow labour??

Haven’t got a clue what to expect! I know everyone says that when your in labour you know, but I am 39 weeks pregnant and for the last couple of weeks I have been having pains. It started off with me just waking up early hours of the morning to period like cramps starting off really mild and then as the days passed they’d each time get a bit stronger but I believe these have just been Braxton hicks or pressure. I haven’t rang triage or my midwife as 1. My midwife hasn’t been the most supportive constantly palming me off to someone else and 2. I’d rather just go to the hospital when I really need to. Now last night I woke up feeling really sick however this isn’t unusual as I have been getting acid reflux for most of my pregnancy but it was accompanied by really strong pains in my stomach. Like a really bad period pain. To the point where I had to get up on all fours and rock and then when they went down I then threw up. The pains came back and I had to sit at the edge of the bed (the whole time partner oblivious to the world 😂) when they went down I was then able to fall off to sleep again. I’ve been up most of the morning able to everything that I usually do but I have lower back pain and a just a continuous mild pain in my stomach that gets a little bit worse every now and then nothing that I can really time. I could just be having pressure still but I haven’t got a clue what to look out for