My Very Anticlimactic Bump Progress. 😂

Asia • Mom of 3 year old ❤️

Let’s start from the beginning. This is my pre-pregnancy belly. I’m about 5’11-6’ and my pre-pregnancy weight was 180. I was lifting with my bf regularly so that plus being a friendly giant is most likely the reason of my turtle progressing tum. (My bf is the one on the bench doing pelvic raises btw, hey boo 🥰)

This is my sad little picture of me and my little 5 week belly bloat.

Week 9; the week before I had my first ultrasound. Still bloaty mcbloatbloat.

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 15; went to VS and found out I’m 3 cup sizes bigger than I was before 😳

Week 17

Now, we enter the weeks the bloat starts to fade more and now A LITTLE BUMP HAS APPEARED ((...When I lay down but hey, a woman can dream can’t she 😭😭))

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20 AKA this week AKA HALF WAY THERE ✨✨✨

I’ll be updating this most likely around 30 weeks. If you’d like to follow my journey, you can follow my page ❤️ Thanks for looking at my very anticlimactic bump journey so far 🤘🏽😂❤️