Ex acting like he has feelings again 🙄🤔


My ex has been acting funny lately. We stayed friends, because his roommate is both mine and his best friend. But lately he’s been doing stuff that makes me think he’s attracted to me again.

•texting me out of nowhere trying to be funny

•buying me food

•saying I “look great” when I get dressed up

•checking on me, asking if I’m ok

•driving me to church when he thought the weather was too dangerous

•when I was asked if I’m dating anyone, HE replied “no. No she’s not”

•got very jealous when I mentioned to my friend that I like a guy. Wanted to know everything about the guy.

•still uses the wallet that I got him for Valentines

•brags about his promotion/how much $ he has now

•felt the need to shave and put on a button down shirt(brand new) just to tag along with me and the bff to see Spider Man.

And just a bunch of other stuff. I wouldn’t exactly say no if he were to ask me out or want to get back together, but it’s just very confusing. What do y’all think? Does it seem like he has feelings again? Should I ask him about it? Or just act like I do t notice so he has to work harder and admit it?