Could I still be pregnant

This is a Weird one and a tad tmi so I want to thank you in advance.

This would of been my second pregnancy, i have taken 2 pregnancy tests before the bleeding started and both were really faint positives that didn’t seem to get darker even 3 days apart I’m extremely tired and hungry and sore/tender breasts same as my last pregnancy. My last period was the 5th (26day cycle) had sex the 14th and had a tad bit of spotting the 20th once when I wiped which was pink. My period was due the 30th always comes like clockwork in the morning. It never showed up the 31st it didn’t show up then this morning 1st I woke up to my underwear having some blood on them, put a pad on and it’s been on 2 hours and by now I’d be pull of blood and needing a change I have endrometisis and know my cycle really well, the blood is bright red but there’s only a little line on my pad. Which is really unusual, could I still have a chance of pregnancy? Again thank you in advance