Scared and lost

I just found out I’m pregnant; positive test on Saturday, blood test on Sunday. My boyfriend and I have been ttc for a few months now, but this last month backed off because I am starting a new job and we aren’t living together. I also have not been 100% sure what’s going on between him and the ex wife, so I started to really pull back. Anyway, he’s not handled the pregnancy news well at all. In fact, he suggested we terminate the pregnancy. Sure. Easy way out for him. I’m just so lost and scared because I’ll be doing this on my own. I have an amazing roommate who said she’d be there, but I can’t rely on her to be the “father”. And my parents are supportive, too, but again, I can’t dump it all on them. Any other women in this situation? Or have advice on next steps? Especially with starting a new job tomorrow... 😬