Would you continue to let them play together? Scenario Below!


For NYE we went to a friend’s home for the evening. My husband and I are both friends with the husband and wife, and our kids are almost exactly the same ages (7 year old boys, and two year olds [our son, their daughter]).

Our seven year olds were upstairs playing while we talked downstairs with the little kiddos. An hour or so in, my son came down and told us that theirs had pulled the back band of my son’s pants out and tried to look at his butt. We were told at this point that they had been kicked out of a bible study because this boy had asked a six-year-old girl if he could see her panties.

He got in *severe* trouble, our son was reminded that he should always tell us if someone touches him where they shouldn’t, etc, and they played together downstairs with us until midnight, when he went to bed and we left. My friend had expressed to me that he’d been in trouble recently for sneaking down and watching TV (Adult Swim, Family Guy) in the middle of the night, and I know the parents are just as disappointed, concerned, and upset by his behavior. THIS IS NOT A DEBATE ABOUT THEIR PARENTING!

THE QUESTIONS: would you continue to let your child play with theirs in the future? Why or why not? Is this a “normal” seven year old curiosity or a problem?

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