Normal after sex?

Hi ladies! So I have a question but first a little back story.

My boyfriend and I have been with each other for 3 years and just became sexually active about 6-7 months ago. And pretty much every time we have had sex it’s felt great!

However, something I’ve noticed is that every time after sex I feel nauseous for HOURS. I never puke and I can still eat a little, but I just feel nauseous as if I’ve eaten too much.

I’ve been going to a gynecologist for almost 2 years now because of issues with my periods and am on birth control. I’ve mentioned this to her and first she asked if I was comfortable with my partner and if I was being pressured into having sex or if I ever regretted it. I told her I’m perfectly comfortable and have never been pressured into it. Then she told me it was normal to feel like this when you first start having sex.

But it’s been half a year and I still feel like this! It’s so frustrating! Is it normal? Does anyone else feel this way after sex? Whether we’re going slow or fast, I still end up this way. Any ideas?? I just want to know if it’s normal. All of my friends and even my step mom has told me they have never experienced being nauseous after sex.

Oh, and I’m not pregnant. We use 4 different types of birth control and we make sure the condom hasn’t broken every time after sex.

Just wondering if anyone has ever experienced or heard of this! Thank ladies!!