Back pain! Update!


A few weeks ago at about 20-is weeks for me I had crazy back pain on my right lower back. My doc said to ice, heat and stretch it out. It was instantly better after ice and heat and completely went away after a few days. Fast forward a few weeks and it happened again! This time ice makes it worse I am in tears. Yesterday I did yoga,heat and my husband tried to rub it, on and off all day and it's is coming back with a vengeance. It's only in one spot on my back and it knocks my breath away and makes me sick. Ice this time makes it worse. I don't know if there is anything I can do? Tylenol is great but I don't like to take too much. Ladies help!??

Update: over the weekend I ended up being in so much pain that I didn't sleep for 24 hours. I went to the ER and then saw my doc on Monday. I have kidney stones!!! Happy that it's not something that is threatening to my baby but..... OUCH!!!!