Losing hope 😔

This was my third round of clomid. This time 150mg. This is the first time I have ever received a positive opk. I was going to not test at all this round because I couldn’t take the disappointment anymore. Then on cd 16 I decided to take one test just to see and it was positive. So I continued taking them and they started to fade on cd19. This is my first cycle charting my bbt with OvuSense. According to my temperatures I didn’t actually ovulate. This has been my hardest failed cycle yet because I actually finally get a positive opk and it stays positive three days in a row I couldn’t help but get excited. So to wake up to a big dip instead of a rise this morning was heart breaking. I just wanted to toss my info out there in case there was anyone out there that’s going through/ has gone through something similar? I need some hope restored because right now I’m crushed.

Other pertinent information...

Have had pcos since I was 16 currently 28

Haven’t had a period on my own since I was 18

Have been TTC since beginning of 2015 but started seeing a RE at the beginning of 2018

I take 1,000mg metformin 2x a day

First clomid cycle 50 mg I did ovulate but it was very late so they counted it as a failed cycle.

Second clomid cycle I never ovulated and my cycle lasted 72days. The only reason it stopped was because I took progesterone to bring on AF.