ultrasound at 5 weeks

karen • 💑wife 🧑🏻son, 15 👦🏼son, 8

Has anyone had an ultrasound and measured 5 weeks exactly but could only see the gestational sac and everything turn out ok?

I’ve had 2 miscarriages in 2018. The first was a blighted ovum the second pregnancy was going great until I went in for my 12 week appointment and they couldn’t find a heartbeat with the doppler. When they did an ultrasound the baby had no heartbeat and had stopped growing at 10w2d. I never had any indications anything was wrong.

That was in September. After that, the dr wanted to do blood tests on me & husband before getting pregnant again so he had me start birth control. My periods were never regular after the d&c and starting the b/c. Then on December 15th I found out I was pregnant again. Talk about shocked because we were not trying. So dr started checking levels immediately and started me on progesterone.

After everything i’ve been through, it’s so hard not to worry after only seeing a sac even though the dr didn’t seem concerned. I go back for another ultrasound on the 16th.