Can I get some advice?

Mercedes • 🌈 Rainbow baby born March 8, 2019 🌈

A few nights ago my man got really drunk. The entire time he kept saying how much I mean to him and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, which I love. However, he also mentioned that he’s not attracted to me anymore. I talked to him about it when he was sober and he said that it was probably just because we haven’t been able to go out much, and with me being pregnant and unable to work I’m not looking my best like I used to.

I love him with all my heart, and I just want to make him proud to be with me. Like if we went out he would be proud to say that I’m his.

One of his co-workers told me that they talk about me all the time. I don’t know. I guess I just feel really down about the whole thing.

Obviously, we’re not splitting up, but does anyone have any advice on what I can do to have him find me attractive again?

The pictures below are of us on Christmas, and the other is how I normally dress while at home, which is most of the time. (Like I said I can’t work and I’m pregnant.)

Any advice is welcome. Please and thank you!