Stuck- don’t know what to do

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years and we’ve lived together for 6 months.

At this point I feel he’s so much more invested in me than I him. I just don’t feel the same.

I can’t tell if I’m depressed because of us or doubting us because I’m depressed. Does that speak to anyone 😩

I went away on the 19th and came back on the 2nd and tbh didn’t feel amazing seeing him again. We moved far from home and I hate it here so I’d hate to end things and then realise it was just because of my situation and regret it. But how I’m feeling right now I think I should leave.... it doesn’t feel fair on him but I just don’t know how.

I would never ever want to hurt him.

But my reasons for being unhappy certainly have to do with him in some cases for example, he still doesn’t have a job. I pay for most things etc.

Can anyone offer advise on these matters??