First Prenatal Appointment- Doctors suck


Okay. Super annoyed momma over here.

I have had THE WORST experience with doctors. They are So insensitive and just pure lazy.

I have a 12 month old son. We started trying a few months ago and got pregnant our first try in July and unfortunately lost that baby this past August. I had to drive 35 miles to Seattle to get in while having horrible back pain and bleeding with a 7 month old alone (husband was working) bc no one would take me seriously when I knew I was miscarrying. As I’m hysterically crying, now profusely bleeding with huge clots, she’s telling me I shouldn’t have even tried to get pregnant yet, that they weren’t a real baby yet and I should just focus on my son. Complete bitch. Then no one called me back for a week to confirm my hcg levels did drop after I kept calling to ask.

We tried again and miscarried earlier (chemical) than before that next month, in September.

So here I am 8 weeks along with two losses in the last six months and my usual doctor who is a sweet British man with a big heart for his patients, couldn’t get me in for my first prenatal appt for 6 more weeks at my usual office and I needed to get a doctors referral at my appt for genetic testing that needs to be done at 10-13 weeks. So he scheduled me at the next cities Kaiser Permanente with a female doctor so I could get checked before then and get the referral going.

I pay my copay and drank tons of water and help my pee for an ultrasound that didn’t happen. I wrestle my 12 month old to stay still with snacks while she tries to tell me it would be hard to see a heartbeat at 8 weeks. Umm this isn’t my first child and I’ve had ultrasounds before that with my son and heard the very clear heartbeat. I’m not an idiot. She was just lazy and tried to feed me complete wrong information. I’ve had my first appt with a nurse where they ask all the questions and now it was my first one with a doctor and literally she did nothing. I’m so infuriated bc I have horrible anxiety especially after recent losses and I’ve been counting down the days for weeks to make sure my baby is okay.

I have nausea, fatigue, peeing 100 times a day and I know my symptoms are there, but when you have anxiety and know the pain of losing a child, you can’t justify it enough.

Anyone else have something similar happen?